FaceTrackNoIR tested - 6DOF without headset!

Tried and tried for a month, but can't make it to run: I click the Icon on Desktop,
and it gives me an error "can't find a .DLL in the waterfall" or something !!!
Don't even reach the point where they offer select you're setup/settings. ALWAYS.
Tried every versions, many downloads, and tried every combo in and out of files, with
and without jsgme activated 00_6DOF..., all what is possible. Sad

May be because my IL-2 is out of program files installed... ?
But even so, setup should work...

I even tried to install PPjoy parallel/artificial joystick to try this version
compatibility... very messy stuff, drivers unsigned !!! :-?

What is missing or doing wrong ? :?:

Samsung portable with integrated cam/i7/4Gram/100Gdisk/Il2-1946 4,09m Up2.0 out of prog file. No previous track IR.

(...it is winter out here, may be the waterfall is frozen... )

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