NEW B-17 Cockpits (WIP, Stage 1)


Now that I've started down the infamous, dark, JAVA road, I've decided to take on my first 'REAL' project. Myself and a couple of other friends will be making brand new, 100% from scratch, as close to the real thing as you can get without getting into the pit, cockpits for the B-17's

For far too long I've dreamt of the day when I would have a 'Real' B-17 pit with correct gauges, correct controls etc to fly in IL-2.
So now that I've begun to learn JAVA and Blender, I'm going to make one.

Currently, we are in the data acquisition phase of the project. Gathering photos from B-17's we can find at air shows, here at the aviation museums etc.
Next will be process flow-charting for cockpit functions, stations, views etc.

Make no mistake. I'm no expert in modeling, but other people that I've begun to ask for help on this project are. This project will more than likely take appx 1 - 1.5 yrs to complete due to my schedule, but as my knowledge increases the time it takes will decrease. Continue to check back here from time to time for updates, but screen shots will not be posted for quite a while.

There will be a VERY small beta release to select individuals for testing. I've pretty much already selected personnel for this task. If you haven't been asked, don't despair, I may add others later depending on interest.

I look forward to making this my debut project as far as 'Real Mods' and hope you all will enjoy it as much as I think I will building it.


This project brought to you by HVY Bombardment Group:
  • {HVY}Sheep - Instrument Panel/Gauge Modeling
  • {HVY-E}Jinxx - Norden Bomb Site Modeling/Java Code
  • {HVY}Bolter - Textures/Skinning

[Image: b17_c.jpg]

[Image: b-17yoke.jpg]

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