Scenery: .obj/.3ds to .msh with Dr. Jones Msh Converter

Hello All,
I'm new to modding on IL2 and I'm trying to add scenery to a map.
I'm alredy used to work with Blender and I've built some nice buildings that I exported to .obj and .3ds.

However, I'm a little stuck with Dr. Jones msh converter as I generate a .msh from the .obj but the resulting file is not imported in IL2 (I've added it to the static.ini but it will not be loaded when inserted in FMB). If I've correctly understood, for scenery I only need to declare the new object in static.ini and no need to touch the .sfs files.

I've been flying around different posts and tutorials but most of them are for planes (so much more complex) and no one explains how to use Dr. Jones tool.

If I use only one model and I define it as main mesh, the resulting .msh file will have LOD section blank.
If I define it only as LOD some other sections will be missing.

1) How many different models do I need to create for only building ?
2) How do I select and declare them on Dr. Jones converter in order to get a .msh correct for IL2 ?

Thanks for your help,

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