No textures on Map Building FMB (white square)


I'm running IL2 4.09 with UP 2.01.
I've got a problem with textures on Map Building (I've seen in several forums that other people had the same problem but I've never seen the solution explained).

In standard game I manage to see correctly the textures (when flying and when editing a mission with FMB) but in map building mode I only get a white squre over a black background when I zoom (this means that I correctly see the maps but not the textures when I zoom enough).

When I activate the debugger and zoom up to the texture level I've got the following error:

WARNING: Camera: unexpected 'ActivateWCM' (sometimes it says DeactivateWCM)
WARNING: preRender: Exception!
WARNING: cRender0: Exception!

I thought that this was only a problem with the placement of the textures but I've tried to put them in different directories and I've got always the same error. Finally I've found a little workaround that it's not very practical but is better than nothing with config, so now I'm not so sure anymore about texture placement.

As I'm able to see textures in standard FMB, I've tried to see what happened when adding the mission building commands to the bldconf.ini.
The result is that I'm able to see correctly the textures but I've lost the "enable select" and the "rotate" menus. Rotate works anyway by selecting the object and using num pad but the global selection doesn't work and to work with objects I need select and work one by one.

So now I've got three different bldconf.ini, one standard, one only map building to be able to select and move multiple objects and one full that allow me to correctly work on detail level.

Do you have any idea on how to solve the problem?
Another possibility it would be to add a hotkey to toggle "enable select" (or to add it to the menu) in standard mission building in config files. Do you know if that is possible?

Thanks in advance


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