[SKIN] KI44 - 47TH SENTAI - JAPAN 1945


Here is my latest Ki44 skin : a plane from the 47th sentai located near Tokyo in 1945.
This sentai was dedicated to B29 raids interception.

[Image: ki44-47sentai-01.jpg]

[Image: ki44-47sentai-02.jpg]

[Image: ki44-47sentai-03.jpg]

[Image: ki44-47sentai-04.jpg]

The plane I've skined is supposed to have been flown by Captain Sunao Shimidzu, leader of the 2nd Chutai.
However, some books say that Sunao Shimidzu was the leader of the 1st chutai and that the 2nd chutai leader was Captain Yasuro Masaki.
Thus it's not easy to know where the truth is.
Would it be sensible to assume that Shimidzu was once leader of the 2nd Chutai and than promoted to the 1st ?

If you like this skin you can download it from Mission 4 Today

See U soon

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