UP2.01 campaign text in Russian!


I just installed UP2.01 over 1946 with BOE and the Italian pack, patched up to 4.09 with the skins patch. Some of the campaign selection text (Italy RA, RAF, USAAF) is in Russian. I had this problem a year or so ago when modding first caught on and it was fixed by adding some additional files. However, I installed UP2.1 just a few weeks ago and didn't have this problem. The only difference with the install a few weeks ago was that I had the enjoyr patches installed. I didn't want to install enjoyr this time around, though.

Any idea why this is happening or how I can fix it? I kept a back-up of my 4.09 folder (which works fine), so I've tried it twice now by coping the unmodded folder, re-downloading the UP2.1 torrent (linked from M4T), and applying. Same result both times.

I should also point out that if I activate the "stock 4.09" mod in JSGME, the menus are fine.

Any suggestions?



*edit - after looking through the campaigns some more, the problem seems to be with all the BoE and BoE patch campaigns, a few russian campaigns, and lots of the Luftwaffe campaigns. There may be more, but I haven't gone through all of them... Any chance this is related to the BoE patch? I'm not sure if I had that installed a few weeks ago when everything worked...

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