Map South-Germany/Austria in work

Hi Folks,

even if the Flight simulation "Cliffs of Dover" is already announced, we decided to create, after our North of Bavaria Map another one.
It took us until know nearly three months.
The map is made on full size - that is about 300 x 400 km. All of the airports and airfields are made from original plans.
A bit pared-down on this map there are 62 including field airstrips, front line airstrips and emergency landing strips.
For some it might sounds like a lot - but they were there.
Here are a few pictures and we do hope you like them:
[Image: Karte1.jpg]
[Image: Karte2.jpg]
Leithorst Bad Aibling
[Image: LeihorstBadAibling1.jpg]
[Image: LeithorstBadAibling2.jpg]
Industryairfield Wels(Austria)
[Image: WelsIndustriehafen3.jpg]
Industryairfield Ainring
[Image: AinringPlatz3.jpg]
[Image: AinringPlatz2-1.jpg]
Zollairfield Salzburg off 1938 Luftwaffe
[Image: SalzburgFlugplatz.jpg]
[Image: Salzburg2.jpg]
Straubing Airfield
[Image: EinsatzhafenStraubing2.jpg]
Memmingen Airfield in work
[Image: FliegerhorstMemmingenimBau.jpg]
Innsbruck Airfield
[Image: Innsbruck.jpg]

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