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Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound Mod V2

RadPig94 Wrote:is this something i can stick in JSGME so i can activate and deactivate like any other mod?

Yes. Just set up the folder like this....


Then put the Tiger33_Sounds Folder you created into your JSGMEmods Folder.


cammoammo Wrote:well i got it and theres some prolems... :x more music in game. Sad
2.some planes have no fly by sound.example.J8a (fi)
3.G-11 hav prop sound randomly in cocpit :?:
4.when scrambling in qmb im on my belly whit no gear down and my squadron is dead. :-?
5.Radio is to quiet. :?:
6.Storch sounds un changed. :o
I have histomod maps ONLY.with Up2.014.09 modded.
any help. :| .


Need to know what other mods/sound files you have active. It sounds like you have a conflict.

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