Adding Planes mods,& maps to HSFX 5.0


I'd run all step by guide~but always crash in 60%...
There're many plane mod, i just could play "tri-motor" mod in game successfully~

My step as below:
1. New install IL-2 and update to 4.10.1m
2. Install HSFX 5.0
3. Use JSGME to enable mod
4. Create MODS folder in game root
5. Paste Buttons file int mods/STD/gui/game/buttons
6. Put the new plane into mods folder and add some thing to air.ini、plane_ru、weapon_ru file if it need this.
7. Start game and then crash in 60%.....if i remove the new plane mod folder and new add file from MODS and these file (air plane_ru weapon_ru), then the game will start is well.
8. Even I just only put the tri-motor in the MODS without STD, it could works in game and well.

I tried to many plane like Lancaster、Skyraiders A-1....etc, but those failed.
Only "Tri-motor" plane mod could works well in game.

Before I reinstall IL-2, I play 4.09+HSFX4.11 very well, it install many plane and maps mod....
I hope 4.10.1 + HSFX 5 could run as well as before, could use new plane mod not just only the original.

I'd try 2 days, and have no idea about crash in 60%.......
refer link

Sorry for my bed English...cause of it not my mother language~~~
Thank you all!!!

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