Refresh Rates?

Refresh rate is in direct correlation to FPS.
60hz refresh is equivalent to 60fps on the card. While your card can put out far more than 60fps, your monitor can't render faster than that. This will cause some visual skipping as the monitor tries to "catch up". If you have a TrackIr, you'll need to turn on Vsync or you will get vertical tearing when you turn your head. Vsync will lock your video card to a max refresh (FPS MAX) that is the same as your monitor's refresh. In this case 60fps (60hz).

Your objective with regards to refresh rate shouldn't really be to get the most possible, but get the most possible at the most consistent rate. The human eye really can't distinguish anything above 30-35 fps so your objective should be to get a min of about 40 - 45 with a max of around 60fps. That will give you the smoothest game play.

When you see the stuttering, check your system and see if the H/D light is also on. This is most likely where your stuttering is coming from.
As you try to increase fps, the game tries to read ahead for more information (graphics detail that needs to be drawn). If the game can't read fast enough, you get stutter.

Check your system settings and make sure that indexing service is off as this will also cause the H/D to spin up regularly as Windows tries to index all the files that you use on a regular basis.


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