27.03.2011, 20:25
Thanks for the reply {HVY-E}Jinxx. I went ahead and began testing other refresh rates since my first post. I used the Nvidia control panel to make some custom resolutions. 63Hz seems to give me the most fluid flying and panning, and it doesn't have the stuttering that 60Hz did. My objective was to lower the refresh rate and gain the must stable FPS like you said. I just didn't understand why lowering the refresh rate would cause stuttering while showing a constant 60FPS. It seems counter intuitive to me. 70Hz performed better. I haven't tested anything below 60Hz though. I think I'll give that a try next. I used to play at 85Hz...what a difference changing a few numbers can make! A couple fires and a large city used to cripple my flying, but now it's much smoother and stable. And this is at maxed forest and water, not effects though, and playing at 1152 x 864 with Plutonium Effects. Wow, I never thought my computer would play this game right. I'll post any success I have with any refresh rates lower than 60Hz. Thanks again.