29.03.2011, 02:41
asheshouse Wrote:I'm not sure criticising a major flight sim like CoD does you any favours.
Concentrate on your own strengths not others weaknesses.
CoD is trying to set new graphic standards for a Combat Flight Sim.
Maybe they still have some bugs to iron out but I hope they are successful with it.
After all, its still not released in Europe -- officially.
CK is not really competing at the same graphic level, is it?
No we are not and that is by our own chose so that we will not end up
With a sim that you need a BIG PC to run it and get 20 FPS at best
BUT if we wanted to we could go to that graphic level as this new boat
That was just made for VSF by a 3D artiest I know from VSF shows.
Click on the photos to enlarge.
But then we be in the same systems heavy cluster-f**k as they are now...
NO Thanks!