Boston bomber behavior

Dogtail2 Wrote:Im trying to set up a normal boming run with a flight of Bostons, but with the ground attack waypoint set they go down and start strafing. Is there a way to stop this? I just want a level bombing run.

Good day, guys

Certain planes have minimum and/or maximum altitudes allowed, level flight for at least 3 waypoints before bombdrop, and not be directly threatened by nearby enemy aircraft in order to make a horizontal (level) bomb run.

For example, if nearby terrain causes the aircraft to adjust altitude or course during the bomb run, then that's a no drop of bombs.

Also, having turns in the bomb run within three waypoints might cause a no drop.

In real life, if the crosswind is too strong, then no drop, but I have not discovered if IL-2 1946 has this factored, too.

Much of this is in the Stock or Mod READ-ME file.

I hope that his helps.



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