HistoMod and R/R/R

Hi Mates,

I play Histo 4.5, and I can also read Rearm Refuel Repair into my menu. But when I am trying to rearm and refuel I have the following message :

Unable to comply ! Check chocks and/or Position.

I got this message when I am on the runway, on the taxiway and on the parking too.

In Jsgme, I have all the Mods activated for Histo.

As I played online with ZutiDSv1.01, (it was without HistoMod and HistoZuti activated) I remeber I saw it working (on the parking and on the runway).

I don't say RRR and Histo doesn't work, because I didn't tested enough yet and I never would citicize this fantastic work, but when I fly cmapaigns (offline), RRR doesn't work, so I can't return fighting after landed... May be I did something wrong ?

I hope what I wrote here will help you LeBig and Jambo, I will continue testing it here. I keep you update ;o)


PS : Lebig : Je ne veux pas que vous passiez des nuits avec Freddy à tout tester... laissez nous participer aussi Big Grin ;o)

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