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Mod Warning For COD


We know that there are some hack mods out there for your COD game.
This site will not be indorsing or promoting these mods as they will lead
To the end user that play COD on line through STEAM servers to louse
Their STEAM account without any warning.

The only mods that will be allowed on this site are the things that 1C and
UBi allow us to mod and that will not pose a risk to the end user.

So if its a hack mod that gets posted at this site then its out of here.
If it is something that 1C and UBi allow then I will even set up a new forum for it.

What you see for forums in this COD part of this site Is what they have
Officialy allowed so far that will not pose a rick to the on line end users
Accounts, 1C will be putting out a SDK and when they do I will setup new
Forums for what that SDK officialy allowes us to mod.

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