CloD alternative Skins not loading- Blue German planes...

Newt Wrote:

solution is in that post, read what Madcat suggests its the way to do it

succes, Newt
Success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many thanks for the excellent advice,combined with help I got at the Official"CoD website I went back to square one , then installed the four ( not three) Beta patches & now no more powder blue 109s & 110s:
[Image: 2011-05-13_00018.jpg]

[Image: 2011-05-13_00017.jpg]

[Image: 2011-05-13_00016.jpg]
See??? Many thanks for this tip.It is my understanding that the last beta has disabled the change skins option ,but I'll live with that until the big patch coming slolves all problems...For now I'm happy ...even with low ( 18-35) FPS I really like this sim !!!

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