Saw a bad article...

Yeh I agree with Ted,

Yes there is a massive problem to do with the fps of the game and 1C is working furiously to try and resolve this.
However, the game (at high settings) looks absolutely stunning, even more so when the sun is setting
The land is beautiful.

However, no flightsim is just about graphics. The engine itself is decent and the complex engine management is very "complex"
It is a very true to life sim.
Also, the damge model in the game is absolutely astounding. With damage/visual effects on high/veryhigh you can see the bullet hole of each bullet, or see the list of components getting damaged as your being shot at

So on the whole it is very good game that will be amazing in a few months time, yeah a long wait for something that was said to be out in 2008 and is now delayed in the US until th 19th June

Hope this helps


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