UP3 RC4 and SAS modact 3.06

OK. I have made copies of all files that SAS Modact 3.06 will overwrite, also elected to
set aside my #SAS# and use the new one for starting from scratch approach, and made full copy
of my entire UP3 game version on external drive.

I opened the 7z into a separate file and proceeded to change my existing UP3 game item by item overwriting
as I go, and replacing the #SAS# by the new one, having neutralized the old like this --#SAS#.

It all worked out very fine ( did put all JSGME files on the left side; the new #SAS appeared there also); added the new .exe overwrite,
same for the game and for the JSGME programs and files. Did the same for NGen and Dgen as well, missions file, everything.

I had doubts about QBM missions because I had improved quite a few, but no danger at all: they come in a NEW file entirely !

UP3 activated then worked as before, except with a little change in the .exe menu, where you now have a window that shows
the options that were selected, and a new DARK BLUE WORLD OPTION, whatever that is...

Modact3.06 worked as well as did Modact3.02 before, of course without my ad-dons. PEACHY !

All week I have been struggling with the idea of how to add on flyables in UP3 and or SAS 3.02 along side UP3.

The flyables I was interested in, were the newer AT6 version with both cockpits opening and the DH-89 newly remade available at SAS.
( by Epervier ). I managed to install both successfully into 4.09m SAS Modact2.01 and 4.101m Modact3.4b.
Due to the fact that both these mods need a DiffFM, for the game to work with them, I had imported the DiffFM 4.101 but
it did'nt work out. This is the same as the #SAS DiffFM 4.101 that is now added in JSGME by Modact 3.06 !

Today I have discovered something for all that effort, WITH UP3 deactivated (left) and DiffFM 4.101 activated (right) in JSGME
the new flyables do work. But with UP3 activated the DiffFM 4.101 does not work anymore on the side of SAS modact 3 mode.
This happens there when DiffFM 4.101 is applied + UP3 activated: all seems well until you try to fly any aircraft in QBM, but when the
QBM game loads, it then gets to 100% where it freezes in a loop for ever.

So my conclusion is for now that to have SAS Modact 3 side working smoothly, UP3 must be deactivated.

Otherwise you will get, as I did for a month now, UP3 flyables appearing in the QBM of SAS 3.06 that are not flyables at all,
unless you acquire them through some .rc additions, bad weapons placements or disfunctions, and of course NO new flyable possible that require a DiffFM active.

I will look into the matter of adding the sfs cockpits soon enough as I did before, for Do-217's sake, and others...

Been a very long day, come to think of it, time to put some little rest...
This is my progress report for now... :Smile)

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