UniversalActorsTool Beta

[Image: uato.jpg]

This one combines the functionality of the actors tool (Extracting and creating an Actors.Static) and the Autopop tool (Population of a map using population templates) under a gui, whereas the autopop part still is faulty and of limited value. The tool doesen't use the former java tools, so it's much easyer to use and about 10 times faster. It also extracts/creates valid Actors.Statics without bridges and runway points. No mapsize.txt is needed.

It should work with any mod pack, also i tested it only with UP2 and UP3.

Add the line

autoPopMap autoPopMap/load.ini

to your all.ini. This map is used to create population templates and is installed when you run the prog the first time. Always create a template to slot 16 (City0) of this map. A sample template is enclosed.

Expand the zip to a folder of your choice.

Run the program.

Click "MapSettings" and set the games and maps folder and relevant files of your map. Finally "Save" this settings.

Set autocopy. If setted,
- your maps last saved actors.static is copied (from ..game\maps\yourMap\)to the actors section
- your last saved population template is copied (from ..game\maps\autopopMap\)to the autopop section
- a new population file you created is copied to the create actors section
- a new actors.static you created within the create section is copied to your map

Attention: Windows locks files and folders and prevents copying (and renaming/deleting), if they are listed in an open explorer window. So don't open a folder the prog works with.

Set autosave. If setted,
- your maps last actors.static is saved if you extract a new one
- a newly extracted population template is saved

Click "Workbench/Workbech"
At the beginning there will be your maps actors.static in the actors section and the sample autoPop.Static in the autopop section. Select a file and click right to see what you can do with it:

Extracting your maps Actors.Static
Click left to the Actors.Static in the actors section, click right for the options and select the extracting method (All files/only one spezific file). Also click left and right to the extracted files. The "Buildings.txt" file format is the same as with the act.jars "in/outBuildings.txt."

AutoPopulating (Still faulty)
Click left to the autoPop.Static in the autopop section, click right for the options and extract. A raw template with the textures name in slot 16 of the autopop map is created. Select it, then click right and set it to 1600 or 800 meters (Most textures are 1600 meters). Click left and then right again to the renamed template and select "Create population file." A window opens with the slots of your map. Click left to the slot you want to populate (No ",2" or ",-2" after the textures name is allowed). Click right to select the template you want to use. Press the populate button. A new population file named with the textures name and the used slot is created. If autocopy is setted, the new population file is copied to the create section.

Creating your maps Actors.Static
Click left to a txt file in the create section, click right for the options and select the creating method. Mutiple buildings files are allowed, but only one bridge/runway/taxiway file.

There are always some more options when clicking right to a selected file, just test them.

Drag and drop
You also can drag and drop the extracted Actors.Static files from the actors section to the create section and population files from the autopop section to the create section to compose your new actors static.

To drag and drop you always need two left clicks with a time difference: One to select the file and after a momemt (a half second or so) a second one to drag. Don't click to fast, otherwise the clicks will be misinterpretated as a double click.

Log Window
The log in the main window shows what happens and also what's wrong if there is something wrong. So always have a look at it.

Known bugs:
Resizing the log window doesn't work properly and the "Clear log" button doesn't work if the workbench is open. Drag & drop always needs two left clicks with a time diffence. Population doesn't work properly, if there is a ",2" or ",-2" after the textures name in the load.ini.

Unknon bugs:
I'm quite shure they are there.

Possibly i will solve the autopop feature and add some more options to edit the files or extract templates out of existing maps.

Download the Beta here:

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