[WIP] Parachute Re-skin

Hey guys,

I've gotten hold of the parachute texture/skin use in CoD
I thought that the parachute was a bit plane and historically
inaccurate (however I'm not certain it is actually historically
innacurate so dont have a go at me if it isnt) Anyway, I
thought I would start doing a little editing in GIMP and this is
what I have done so far

[Image: ParchuteTest.jpg]

This is still work in progress and I am yet to find a way to
implemnt the skin into Cliffs of Dover (sorry guys :oops: )

However, this is the first reskin of a generic skin/texture and
I'm just trying to take it easy so I dont mess anything up

Hope you guys like,


p.s. I hope to find a way to put it into the game and then it
should be finished in about 2-3 days.

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