Bug with TU-2S

supercrapnstuff Wrote:they will not take damage from hitting the ground if you don't have realisitc landings on, then you can crash the plane into the ground and it will take damage, do i need to really show you how this is a bug and not my choice of settings?
you know what im gonna rip this bug open farther there is somethings with the high speed crash glitch, 99% of the time putting the camera in to an external camera will have the aircraft blow up, everything is recorded real time, no mods besides HSFX and the only 2 difficulty settings that affect damage are on, THATS everything that i NEED on for my aircraft to take damage from ground and weapons, everything i have on and off is for my personal benefit
If this is not enough evidence then you can just believe what you want, just please for the love of god try it before you shoot my point down...
FYI i may look like a noob for playing with such lame difficulty but thats the difficulty settings i use for my crash compilations anyone who wants to hit "Realistic" and try for themselves be my guest, just capture it and put it to youtube if you prove me wrong okay?
Your engines did take damage on that video...

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