Weird things in aircraft list

hi i was running through the list of aircraft in FMB and i came across some very weird things, anyone know whats up?
[Image: il2fb%202011-08-02%2020-31-57-99.bmp]
Is this some sort of BETA test?
[Image: il2fb%202011-08-02%2020-32-08-05.bmp]
[Image: il2fb%202011-08-02%2020-32-20-35.bmp]
is this a mistake?
[Image: il2fb%202011-08-02%2020-32-38-68.bmp]
same thing with jeep
[Image: il2fb%202011-08-02%2020-32-51-13.bmp]
this aircraft has always been missing, in the three times i've had to install/reinstall HSFX 5.1 anybody know whats up?

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