Improving framerates?

I thought there was a thread on this before but I couldn't find it so forgive me if this is a rehash of a previous question.
My system is as follows:
Intel i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8Ghz
Win 7 64-bit
Radeon HD5770 x 2 (in Crossfire mode)
16 Gig of RAM

Despite those specs, COD is quite clunky during gameplay. I have tried dialing down the graphics and it doesn't improve much. The smoothest I got was dialing down to LESS than I use for IL2 1946!!!
While the game is graphically impressive it has been a disappointment with regards to actual gameplay. I have only tried free flight as combat is a non-starter in this current situation.
Any tips, advice???? I just got it (US version) from STEAM last week so it must be the latest version etc.


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