Water in conf.ini wont save :(

Il2 is designed to work with OpenGL!(Try to change to OpenGL) use il2_core.dll and il2_corep4.dll which are included!(if you use 4.09m). in your conf.ini under [Render_DirectX] section find HardwareShaders=0 and change it to HardwareShaders=1and Water=2 or 3 (deppending on your graphic card, ATI or NVIDIA see Fireskull's answer above)and make your conf.ini read only as you did and test the changes.for more and detailed information check this links first:
you will get every parameter in conf.ini explained! some parameters setting is different depending on your graphic card (NVIDIA or ATI) if you configure conf.ini manually!
and then these too maybe you get some help.
if HardwareShaders=1 solved your problem make the same under [Render_OpenGL] section in your conf.ini too, and then change rendering with OpenGL may be your problem with clouds will be solved too! and you will use OpenGL as many others.

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