"The German" Short film


PS: watch in HD and fullscreen

Making of:


I will certainly buy Il2 cliffs of dover next month and if someone have this game and a 1C forums account, can you write to Luthier and said that (reply me if he answer)

1. I watch some video and the gun sound are very like lazer gun from star wars. Will they fixe that?
2. Smoke need to be like in the movie. I'm sure Il2 cliffs of dover team can do that. They can add oil leak like Birds of prey/Wings of prey when you pass in smoke or just animated oil leak like 1946 mods.
3. Gun effect. They have to put a gun recoil like Il2 1946.
4. I want to know if the team can do "volumetric cloud" in a second next patch. Watch making of at 1:43

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