28.03.2012, 02:07
So here's a first question
The file tankdyingsmoke.eff controls the smoke of a tank which was destroyed. Stuka's mod tankdyingsmoke.eff looks like (this mod is a beauty 8) 8) 8) )
ClassName TSmokeSpiralParams
MatName vas_Smoke.mat
Color0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.60
Color1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.0
nParticles 120.0
FinishTime -1.0
MaxR 160.0
PhiN 0.40
PsiN 0.30
LiveTime 8.0
EmitVelocity 12.0 14.0
EmitTheta 12.0 360.0
EmitFrq 10.0
Wind 1.0
Size 7.0 55.0
GasResist 0.10
VertAccel 10.0
Rnd 0.5
As it is in the mod the destroyed tank smoke will last forever. If I change for example
FinishTime -1.0 to FinishTime 1234.0 then the smoke will last for 1234 seconds and then vanish. This can be a good think when you play very ground-intensive missions like I do (or I did, nw I have very little time :mrgreen: ). Anyone can just tune this and similar parameters for planedyingsmoke cardyingsmoke etc. This is explained in the link Stuka gave just above. I thought it's good to explainin more detail.
Now for my first question:
I would like to decrease a bit JUST the height of the tank smoke. Is it possibe to do it just by changing some other parameter in this file? I tried but I didn't succeed...
The file tankdyingsmoke.eff controls the smoke of a tank which was destroyed. Stuka's mod tankdyingsmoke.eff looks like (this mod is a beauty 8) 8) 8) )
ClassName TSmokeSpiralParams
MatName vas_Smoke.mat
Color0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.60
Color1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.0
nParticles 120.0
FinishTime -1.0
MaxR 160.0
PhiN 0.40
PsiN 0.30
LiveTime 8.0
EmitVelocity 12.0 14.0
EmitTheta 12.0 360.0
EmitFrq 10.0
Wind 1.0
Size 7.0 55.0
GasResist 0.10
VertAccel 10.0
Rnd 0.5
As it is in the mod the destroyed tank smoke will last forever. If I change for example
FinishTime -1.0 to FinishTime 1234.0 then the smoke will last for 1234 seconds and then vanish. This can be a good think when you play very ground-intensive missions like I do (or I did, nw I have very little time :mrgreen: ). Anyone can just tune this and similar parameters for planedyingsmoke cardyingsmoke etc. This is explained in the link Stuka gave just above. I thought it's good to explainin more detail.
Now for my first question:
I would like to decrease a bit JUST the height of the tank smoke. Is it possibe to do it just by changing some other parameter in this file? I tried but I didn't succeed...