07.04.2012, 20:23
I must say the Vietnam maps series represent a major breakthrough in
the evolution of IL2. Much like cannon's channel maps had done.
They open a new chapter in airpower for this sim, openning a new era
of warfare gaming entirely. I have flown modern planes in FSX in the past
and always been desapointed not to be able to try them in actual combat,
and fire the sofisticated weapons in almost real situations. Now I have battle
with the F4 over Vietnam 1968, and compare to the Sinai, that's far more
hawsome in immersion. Looking foward to fly over Nortvietnam soon and
avoid those pesky guidelines ! Thanks a lot to Batbomb and everyone else
for the formidable efforts.
the evolution of IL2. Much like cannon's channel maps had done.
They open a new chapter in airpower for this sim, openning a new era
of warfare gaming entirely. I have flown modern planes in FSX in the past
and always been desapointed not to be able to try them in actual combat,
and fire the sofisticated weapons in almost real situations. Now I have battle
with the F4 over Vietnam 1968, and compare to the Sinai, that's far more
hawsome in immersion. Looking foward to fly over Nortvietnam soon and
avoid those pesky guidelines ! Thanks a lot to Batbomb and everyone else
for the formidable efforts.