Trouble installing A6M skins to IL-2

Hi! Just got done modding IL-2 to the UP3.0 version and patched that as well and have been enjoying all the new stuff/planes added to the game. One and only problem I've had though is in the realm of adding new skins to the A6M Zero (all versions). I've tried Harper's skins, Mangas'....just about anyone....but when I go to use the skins in-game, they are not "installing" on the plane correctly (i.e., the colors are all mismatched and screwed up).

I know I'm placing skins on correctly, as other plane skins I've added to different airplane models (B-17, Me 109, Vals, Kates, etc.) are showing up as they should, but for some reason when it comes to the Zero, nothing seems to work! Not even the seaplane Zero skins will go on the way they should!

Anyone have any ideas or have this trouble? So far when it comes to the Zero, all I'm stuck with is the "stock" paint scheme that comes with the game, but I would love to add all the other versions submitted by Harper, Mangas, etc.

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