No sound in il2 only??


Running IL-2 in Compatibility Mode For Windows XP Service Pack 2 might work: Right click IL2.exe/Properties/Compatibility/Compatibibility Mode/ Windows XP Service Pack 2

If that does not work, then next do the same thing to the whole IL-2 folder and the shortcut on Desktop. Any problems with the shortcut copy in Menu or Taskbar might require deleting them and reconstituting them by right click on Desktop Shortcup/ Make Menu shortcut and-or Make Taskbar shortcut

If this still does not work, then you could be missing or have a corrupt dss or dll file in IL-2 or in Windows System. Testing the exact same copy of IL-2 on another Win7 computer might eliminate IL-2 as the cause once and for all. Someone should know which file in Windows might be the one in question.

I believe that this is likely a file which is not being read for some reason, including a the possibility of a driver file. Compatibility is an issue because Microsoft has ended direct support of such files in XP, though the forums with past questions and answers still are viewable and you can get the individual files by download.

If all else fails after trying these things and doing some research, then you could make a separate partition and install XP OS there. After installing the exact same IL-2 into that partition if the problem still exists then I would give it about a 99% or more probability of being a sound card incompatibility. I have read of people having certain sound cards, having tried all the drivers, and could never get it to work with IL-2.

Trying all these should fix it at some point.

I hope that this helps. Please let us know if and how you fix it. Smile


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