New chimmney Smokes and bird effects version2.0


It's been over a year for this thread but I've just now caught up to it. I've read your post about the .eff files and how to change the various values and what they do.

I see the line "Wind 1.0 --> the wind effect, will make the particles move to a certain direction like when wind or when breeze blows." and understand it's what makes those large smokes blow realistically

Now, my question: Would there be some way to make, through FMB, the direction of the smokes go in a specified direction? Currently it seems the smoke randomly drifts from NE through SE to SW and back. What I'm looking to get as a result is smoke coming from a user-defined direction so that the wind direction and the smoke direction coordinate. One could use the smoke as a windsock if there was smoke in the area. And, since wind is configurable from mission to mission, it wouldn't do to define the smoke as coming from one direction through the .eff file.

Oh, I'm using this in Il2 v4.10.1 DBW Build 1.71

Thanks for any help


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