30.07.2013, 17:30
Your probable right in some ways LeBigTed that they stopped IL2 BoB development to quickly, because on paper IL-2 BoB (Cliffs of Dover) is a better engine then the IL-2 BoS engine (which is any updated RoF engine), but as we know IL-2 BoB is not a better engine as it was a mess at launch and still not working right even though at the time they hired people to help patch and fix BoB.
This is where I think the RoF engine came in because some of the people they hired to help with BoB after launch where people who had or was working on RoF engine and they might of said some thing like this; that IL-2 BoB engine is a mess and to fix it going to take some (a long) time and (lots of) money, on the other hand you have the RoF engine witch is basically the same thing but it works and all you would have todo to make a WW2 sim is add some code and 3D models etc...
There's probably other reasons as well but I do understand why they might of made the switch and I think your right about the business strategy that's why all most every ones doing it now lol
SimHQ IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad Preview
This is where I think the RoF engine came in because some of the people they hired to help with BoB after launch where people who had or was working on RoF engine and they might of said some thing like this; that IL-2 BoB engine is a mess and to fix it going to take some (a long) time and (lots of) money, on the other hand you have the RoF engine witch is basically the same thing but it works and all you would have todo to make a WW2 sim is add some code and 3D models etc...
There's probably other reasons as well but I do understand why they might of made the switch and I think your right about the business strategy that's why all most every ones doing it now lol
SimHQ IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad Preview