Ice Eagle's Hanger

yeah, that's sad... all I want (all I EVER wanted) is to be left alone and treated like a human being... something the damned uppity snot English Lords over there at the SAS has never done for me. if for one second they'd ever realize that and stop trying to LORD over me and MAKE me do what THEY think I ought to do (which is crap) we'd get along just fine maybe.

but they, like Bravo there... just CANNOT DO THAT. the whole bunch of them are 'convinced' they're somehow better than me (better than most of us that aren't in their little romper room) and have intended from the first to beat me down any way they could.

and that was...and still is...their worst mistake. for they can't beat down the likes of me, they don't have the know-how or the sand. and I am not nor ever 'will' be awed by them or afraid of them. but rather than admit that and just give it up and take a rest they have to KEEP ON hammering, whether it gets them anywhere or not.

...just like Bravo. :-?

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