Need Help finding some good Modleing paint

Hobby shops, department stores, and automotive stores are places to get paint for models.

Bottled paint can be used but it generally is very messy, globby, and difficult to apply evenly. This should be a last resort in my opinion or for only small parts of the model. An exception would be when you want to get a specific result. This takes practice to learn.

For a fast project, then spray paint is the way to go for most of the model surfaces. I used Testors and liked it. You can go to hobby shops, department stores, and automotive stores to get spray paint. Often the toy section of a department store has plastic model paint. Spray paint in a can is the cheapest for a small amount of painting.

In automotive parts stores and automotive paint sections of department stores you can find a product called something like "Chrome Finish". This works well for the bare metal shine appearance.

As a last coat, you should consider a spray can finish of clear coat for that extra shine.

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