Locations In Solomons 4 Slot Map

What is that little island south of Arundel....called lola...? would that be it?

fabianfred Wrote:What is that little island south of Arundel....called lola...? would that be it?

Already suggested this, but it is unlikely as it is rather small and there is no sign left of any installations.

I'm trying to find some more detailed Documents from VMF-213, I even sent a mail to contact E-mail on several VMF-213 Websites.

No worries Chaps we will find this place!

Well this little VMF-213 project is really taking an interesting turn, thanks to the search for Lolabinauri.

as I posted I had mailed several historians whom were running Sites on this squadron. I got wonderful feed back, Including Photos, Original Copies of the Maps This Squadron had (Lots of names on it, Im searching), Log Books, and other Squadron Docs.

These people also had not heard of Lolabinauri. Which makes me thing that Lt. Winnia, who's Diary it is listed in might have been trying to Phoneticly spell something he heard, and did not see written.

Either way, just cause I LOVE the Reserch, I wanted to show you a taste of what they gave me, so you can see how Historical this lil thing is going to be.

[Image: rwVotawLogBook-30p.jpg]

[Image: wdApril25MKPeytonThoughts.jpg]

[Image: WarDiary213-p021.jpg]

P.S. If any of you stumble on any more info on Lolabinauri please let me know!

^^^ what does April 28 say!

Yer killing me Big Grin


I can mail you the whole zip of Info I received!
Oh and You Folks are Killin me with the Slot Map, *wants to get grubby paws on said map soooo bad*

hehe, To all Good Things though, right :wink:


Many thanks for posting that map of Kolombangara and the New Georgia group...used it to fill in lots of holes on The Slot 8)

If there is anyone else out there who has other detailed maps of Solomon locales, please let me know.

I do Cheech, I will see about mailing it to you if such is listed in your profile. If not then Here.

It was given to me by a guy named Dan who runs a VMF-213 Memorial Website. He had all kind of Information and one of these was a very detailed Map used by Pilots in VMF-213.

I based most of this VMF-213 Campaign I am planning for the slot map off the diary for Lt. Winna, of which the last entry was written in by his wingman. I asked this guy, so what happened to Winna, and he said, He either died in a crash, or his F4U was brought down over enemy territory and he died in their hands. The thing that really drove this story home, and made it open my eyes was that his Mother got a job in post war Japan, and in her own time actually looked for him, to no avail.

makes you stop and realize that our hobby was once peoples lives.

Thx Dixie...e-mail visible in profile now 8)

[Image: MAP%202MOD2p.jpg]

[Image: MAP%202MOD3p.jpg]

Keep 'em coming Zorin. This will keep me busy while I wait for T to redo the airfields 8)


It's a Zipped pack called ComAirSols, lots of research goodies

Got an email back from a guy at the solomons tourism bureau, he doesn't recognize the name.

Wow thanks Spud!!

I'm gonna send you the Comairsols pack, (per your request) like i said its just photos, log books, maps and such, mostly for VMF-213

I'm going to scrub the mission to Lolabinauri then. Thats Ok, most of these dates have several mission in one day. they really worked the HELL out of these guys when the were active.

I can see why they'd have about a 90 day combat tour and then come off the line and go to Australia to rest for a few weeks.

For example it seems for (ALMOST) any given daylight hour, VMF-213 would have someone up on Knucklehead Patrol over the Russell's.

Dixie...COMAIRSOL pack received...many thx! 8)

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