Bloody marvelous work there Flush! Unbelievably nice - love the runway textures!
Re: matmanager - I myself use her, and believe she's been a fantastic little tool.. however, I now fear that, with the new country's coming along, she'll be null and void... So, this is going to be a fantastic replacement feature...
I would love that concrete to replace the default one......
Very nice!
I'm glad I re-installed 1946 after not playing it for a few years. All the wonderful work created here at AAA makes it like a brand new sim. You modders make a very nice looking sim look incredible. Thanks so much.
Now I have to re-learn how to skin. Been a while. lol
Man, When can we get our hands on those!
great work lad, exelent textures i want'em really sweet
How about.. 'I'm hit.. I flushed up!'
I agree with Pongie,
I really appreciate the efforts of the Mat manager app, but its a program you have to run in conjunction with IL2.... which when you have 60+ aircraft in the air, all with custom markings, it tends to chugg and hicciup, maybe even seize up...
If FlushMeister does this right, and gives the markings a rehaul yet stays within their size in kbs or whatever, it would preserve FPS...
Go Flushy!!