Avala, I think it would be better for everybody if you'd decide to get back to cockpits remaking work instead. "Cause you're just exellent! I'm making now Yak-1b and looking at your work over UK fighters cockpits all the time... Amazing job you've done there!
My best wishes,
Depending on the angle I look at the water, if I'm flying a bit high, I got some weird glitches with that setting you posted =/
Mine for landlight is
Ambient 0.60
Diffuse 1.35
and for CloudShadows.mat is
Diffuse 0.85
for the clouds (if you have Rus andrei cloud mod) it is:
ClassName TMaterial
tfDoubleSide 1
tfShouldSort 1
tfGameTimer 1
tfSpriteLight 1
[LightParams]//Shine only for sprites
Ambient 0.75
Diffuse 1.25
Specular 0.0
SpecularPow 0
Shine 0.2
hi can you please post the path to get to this files?