Struggling with loading maps in unlocked FMB....

Rygar Wrote:Hi ,
i have the same Problem with the Europe Map.
What must i do to edit it ?
Or other Question , what ist the right command
for the Actors Tool to extract the map ?
The Readme says :
java -jar Act.jar extract
But what ist with filename meant ?



The name of the .static file (contains all buildings, waypoints, bridges, etc.). Usually it's called "actors.static" but any name can be used depending on the map builder's preferences. Check the map folder to ID the .static file.

In most cases the correct curse to use would be java -jar Act.jar extract actors.static

Mostly "actors.static." You may need to extract these and the other mapfiles with the sfs-extractor first form the ..mapsxx.sfs. If there should be an xx.actors.static rename it as actors.static and use the outact.bat. Edit that file (and also the create.bat) by deleting an "echo of" (Dom't remember if there realy is one) and adding a "pause" in a new line.

Before that you must create the mapsize.txt with the maps y size. You get this by the y size of (f.e.) map_h.tga * 200 and than add ".0 " For the normandy map this would be 512*200 = 102400.0

If the created outbildings.txt > about 2800 KB you have to split in before creating a new smaller actors.static following the instructions. Have also a look in the tools section.

Ok ,
but how can i find out in wich .mapsxx.sfs File
the Europemap is ?

You won't. Best extract all maps sfs.

I was having the same problem but I believe I fixed it by increasing the size of my system's page file. Seems like the Unlocked FMB uses more memory.

bigbossmalone Wrote:Always seems to crash on 100% loading point - before i've had a chance to do any changes...
Not all maps, but examples: Channel, Slot, B_o_France, Ardennes, and some others...

Battle of France map will not load in FMB Map Editor. It has too many objects, but CAN_Channel and Ardennes should load ok. Others which will not load include Finland, Slovakia, Berlin (all the larger maps).

I may be slightly off topic here, sorry. But I'm curious about these files and their use of memory.
Like as mentioned in the France map... using too many objects can be negative.
I'm adding stuff to the BurmaLower map and I just wonder how many objects I should place on the map. I don't want to put too many because other people may have problems with the size. But how many is too many? Which objects should I place and which should I leave out?

I'm guessing that I should add texture tiles for the important towns and have nothing for insignificant ones. I probably will not populate the airfields (some I'll add a few objects) because there are so many. I'm just scared that I'll use too many objects and the map won't be able to load or will have long loading times.

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