WIP : Croatia + scale 1:1

Fly_zo, that is an absolutely stunning piece of work. Awesome job m8 8)

I have flown draft version, and believe me Slovakia has very serious concurrent with Fly_zo’s Croatia.

And it is good that the map portrays almost every kind of terrain, from Alps to Mediteran climate. Bosnian mountains are very accurate, as well as Croatian coastline (which is famous by its hundreds beautiful islands, wonderfully made in this map too) There is also a good part of Italy (excellent for bombing missions for Liberators and Adriatic fly overs)

One curiosity, mountain “Avala” near Belgrade (my nick name) is spot on. On this map it looks exactly the same how it looks in the nature. I am not exaggeration, you will see for yourself.

AMAYTHING! Love what is seen in the Screenies..
Can't wait!

Map mods are turning ot to be the mos dramatic improvemente to Il-2 by far Ican't posibly imagine why would Oleg not make SDK map builder tools available to a broaer comunity.
I hope he is watching, cause it would be a pitty if BoB can't benefit from the talents in this community....

many thanks to all of you gents... Big Grin Big Grin

as for Olegs part , i'm soo grateful that he decided to publish 4.09 beta so we can enjoy all those newobjects and textures ....IMHO he is still "numero uno" ( unlike Ubi crew ...)



Oh no don

[quote="Baco1170"]Oh no don

Lookin' great fly_zo. keep up the good work Wink

Cheers, Neil Smile

"fly_zo Wrote:no problems m8 Big Grin .... i do believe that Ubi has played large part in making those decisions , but that is just me .

BTW , vpmedias BOB ? ... are you sure here :wink:


Yikes! No, sorry Clockwatcher!

I saw soemthing from VPmedia, maybe missions and I got confused, Sorry aggain, It

Great update Big Grin

Looking forward to this project.


ok i have an announcement to make :

Croatia+ is no longer solo project (thank God ...)
so i'm proud to introduce you newly formed:

"Balkan team" :

so far members are :


if anyone else has interest to join, please don't hesitate ....

little update....

north adriatic coast
(The link is inoperative) /n_adria_01.jpg

(The link is inoperative) /dalm_01.jpg

(The link is inoperative) /dalm_02.jpg

Mediterranean/inland Croatia - border
(The link is inoperative) /med_border_01.jpg

Alps-Slovenia .... very much WIP
(The link is inoperative) /alps_01.jpg

(The link is inoperative)/alps_02.jpg

Beautiful mountains Big Grin I'm ready to go hiking :wink: Congrats on the Team! Looking forward to future screenies

(The link is inoperative) /JG300_Jabo/0568.gif

Lookin' great Fly_Zo Smile

Cheers, Neil Smile


Balkan team rulz Wink

What about moving a li'le to the east? :wink:
8th AF had big troubles when they had to pass above Bulgaria!Serbians too /there are some 3-4 bulgarian records where it is written about some brave silly serbian,that dared to pass above our lines/.

ps:We used first the "rammjaeger" tactic in WW2.
Our gratest ace Dimityr Spisarevsky after shooting down an B-24 and running out of ammo,was forced to ram the leading B-17,diving from 9000m and ramming the helpless B-17 with more than 750 km/h /out of 250 other B-17's + 150 fighters escort/,on Decembre 20th,1943...
Anyway,only one servives from the bomber's crue....The tail gunner.
And our ace...dead.Bur he scared off the entire formation,and they jettisoned their bombs,and turned back for Italy.Their mission was failed.

Fly_zo I'll kill You !
I need Your map pad ! :lol:

BTW Croatia (Chorwacja in PL :wink: ) looking fantastic !!!

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