I would say the 2/3rd of the lenght would be realistic for me, I don't know what the others think...maybe half? Or is there a way to set it for ourselves?
I just tested some shorter smoke, and it greatly (for me) improved my FPS when a plane crashes. It still looks good aswell, and the cattail is less pronounced. So i may release that as a new version. It also reduces the cotton balls aswell.
I also added a slight bit of gray into the smoke to give it more diversity and depth. Its looking pretty good. Still tweaking and testing it.
I am also going to update my videos for my mods. So those of you who want to see it before you download it, will be pleased.
You're creating a great mod. Thank you so much for your work. I've had a look at your latest version today, and I'm looking forward to test a newest one, with not so black smoke! Thank you again...
Best regards,
Updated download.
Smoke has a hint of gray in it to give it more depth.
The smoke trail is shorter now.
Fixed Contrail glitch
Improved the Oil smoke.
I'm using effects=1 and it's still BEAUTIFUL. Great job on this mod Th!rdeye!