[WIP] - J7W1 Shinden /NewFM [project update 29/07/09]

Hope to get that beast soon! Then a Bearcat will be more needed than ever!

There is no progress in this weekend.

Only bring UV in IL-2, but problem has heppen at poly.
Polys was separated at UV discontinuity when convert to 3ds.

More study is needed...

[Image: grab0000pe1.th.jpg][Image: thpix.gif]

>Dr. Strangelove
The Sim J7W1 was originaly made for is "TargetWare". The old Flightsim .

Targetware in spite of it's ugly landscapes has some very nice aircraft models.

Hopefully more people will convert and bring over their models! :lol:

found this helpful post scroll down a bit to see it


Holy Aces of the Pacific 1946!
Git 'er done!!!!!

is the model finished? as in you have all the inner workings and LODs done or almost done? Sorry I hardly know any of that 3D stuff but can you please let us know your progress/plans for the future? We all can't wait to finally have a new Jap plane Big Grin

Sillius_Sodus Wrote:Holy Aces of the Pacific 1946!
Git 'er done!!!!!

Ahhh, Aces of the Pacific! I remember many happy hours spent in that game. So well detailed for its time and it came with what can still be considered the worlds greatest user manual.
I still have an original copy in its box and everything. Anyone have a 5 1/4" floppy drive? :twisted:


Yes, the model has already finished.
But object names are not Il-2 format. So I need to fix it.
And LOD and collision model are under construction.

About FM, I don't have knowledge of FM in IL-2(Where is it? or How to make?).
So I must learn.

But the best is make J7W1 at new slot and FM.

what about cockpit - will the Shinden have it's unique cockpit or will a already existing cockpit be used (something like the J2M5 would look good if it does not come with it's own pit) ?

I wish i could help regarding the FM... but I have no clue.

Cockpit is under construction too.
But I don't know how to animate the part yet.
[Image: 4925d6f9c2d25ax6.th.jpg]

something weird read another post that said that AAA should begin work on the shinden but somebody said they were full of projects.this post is dated around 6 months ago.weird ain't it? Smile

shinjirarenai, kodama san!


I hope someone helps here!

Quote:We all can't wait to finally have a new Jap plane

Racist much? :?
To many that would be considered a derogatory and old-fashioned term.
I wouldn't suggest saying that to a Japanese person's face.
Maybe Kodama didn't notice, but you're talking to a man out in Japan doing all the work.

Apologies if I took it too far, and you meant no wrong!
At any rate, good day!

No, I'm serious about my tone here. I realize if it was a mistake. That's OK. I'm super cereal.

Oh, Kodama, don't be afraid to ask the Mod team for help!

I always thought that Jap was just a short term for Japanese :? Sorry if I'm mistaken...

Anyways back on topic...

Its confusing being a 外人 Big Grin

Anyways, what trouble exactly do you seem to be having there 木霊?


ご希望の場合日本語を使うことができます... ?

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