Uploaded Industry template for AUTOPOP

Hi Friendly,
paste this inside in the [Buildings] section of your mission. I used most of these, you need to have RONE hangar mod installed.

0_bld House$IndustrialFactoryTank1 1 1340.98 2011.77 360.00
1_bld House$IndustrialFactoryHouse1 1 1305.23 1967.07 625.00
2_bld House$IndustrialFactoryWarenHouse1 1 1339.85 1971.30 360.00
3_bld House$AirdromeFuelTank 1 1317.24 2009.01 360.00
4_bld House$Factory_04 1 1347.97 1807.29 360.00
5_bld House$FTankS_03 1 1304.13 2031.47 450.00
6_bld House$FTankS_02 1 1340.69 2044.67 360.00
7_bld House$FTankS_01 1 1370.56 2044.42 360.00
8_bld House$Factory_07 1 1342.89 1875.58 450.00
9_bld House$Factory_06 1 1308.33 1874.68 450.00
10_bld House$Factory_05 1 1324.40 1843.97 540.00
11_bld House$Factory_03 1 1392.07 1885.30 630.00
12_bld House$Factory_02 1 1286.33 1848.86 450.00
13_bld House$Factory_01 1 1344.59 1787.13 360.00
14_bld House$Abris-tole-gros 1 1420.33 1720.10 540.00
15_bld House$Cuve-Gr 1 1369.98 1726.88 360.00
16_bld House$Cuve-horiz 1 1319.21 2040.94 450.00
17_bld House$Tour-obs-metal 1 1334.00 1793.26 360.00
18_bld House$QG-Gr 1 1350.51 1677.38 360.00
19_bld House$Atelier-GrB 1 1396.79 1667.11 360.00
20_bld House$Atelier-Gr 1 1394.02 1720.64 630.00
21_bld House$garageB 1 1441.09 1709.09 635.00
22_bld House$garage 1 1437.94 1658.88 630.00
23_bld House$atelierB 1 1431.42 1762.75 455.00
24_bld House$atelier 1 1405.39 1777.51 540.00
25_bld House$Atelier-grueB 1 1396.24 2041.43 540.00
26_bld House$Atelier-grue 1 1415.69 2041.68 635.00
27_bld House$Hangar_RAF1tons 1 1454.68 1823.39 630.00
28_bld House$Hangar_Luft-petit 1 1358.15 1759.44 630.00
29_bld House$Hangar_Besson 1 1346.93 1930.13 630.00
30_bld House$Baraq-U 1 1379.74 1642.29 360.00
31_bld House$Hangar_Briq-V 1 1313.91 1761.40 360.00
32_bld House$Hangar_Danewort-A 1 1314.100 1720.70 630.00
33_bld House$Hangar_Ubleu 1 1396.38 1589.69 630.00
34_bld House$46Abri_2 1 1374.100 2246.55 540.00
35_bld House$46Abri_1 1 1380.11 2223.54 540.00
36_bld House$Hangar_briq_bois 1 1425.83 1904.87 550.00
37_bld House$Hangar_briq1 1 1387.80 1957.71 635.00
38_bld House$Hangar_beton_vieux 1 1408.54 1838.40 365.00
39_bld House$AHangar_Uvert 1 1308.06 1791.58 630.00
40_bld House$Baraq-PisteBcamo 1 1298.18 2310.36 545.00
41_bld House$AirdromeTank1 1 1383.51 2017.18 450.00
42_bld House$pillbox1 1 1329.81 2068.59 360.00
43_bld House$Longbarrack 1 1308.24 2116.15 360.00
44_bld House$Water_Tower 1 1363.21 1790.75 360.00
45_bld House$RHouse1 1 1324.83 2262.83 360.00
46_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 1355.59 2271.22 630.00
47_bld House$46Cart 1 1365.14 2273.83 360.00
49_bld House$46JuBoxes 1 1371.91 2277.68 360.00
50_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 1363.97 2278.75 360.00
51_bld House$46TRBoxes 1 1379.68 2273.38 360.00
52_bld House$46Palette 1 1356.09 2279.89 540.00
54_bld House$46Watower 1 1362.86 1819.60 360.00
55_bld House$RailPassage 1 1297.37 2222.51 360.00
56_bld House$RailCrossroadHouse 1 1303.26 2295.62 450.00
57_bld House$RailShlagbaum 1 1294.04 2306.55 540.00
58_bld House$PortBaseSegment 1 1293.33 2278.81 360.00
59_bld House$FurniturePole_no_wire 1 1284.15 2292.03 360.00
63_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 1347.62 2094.79 630.00
64_bld House$Baraq-PisteCcamo 1 1311.97 2309.82 450.00
65_bld House$Rail_03 1 1426.97 1992.98 630.00
66_bld House$Wall_03 1 1306.35 2302.13 630.00
68_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 1372.69 2020.14 705.00
69_bld House$46ConcrWall4 1 1315.95 2285.85 360.00

Thanks, that'll get me going!

Just a thought, would it be an idea to stick to stock (or 4.09b) objects only, for the benefit of potential users?

Friendly_flyer Wrote:Thanks, that'll get me going!

Just a thought, would it be an idea to stick to stock (or 4.09b) objects only, for the benefit of potential users?

As Rone's work will be included in the UI updates, I think you can neglect that thought and use all his stuff.

Splendid, that's good news!

Lowfighter, I'll try to stick to as few different objects as possible, to minimize FPS hits.

Yes, whatever it suits you!


I have the smoke stacks of course, hm weird they are not in the list I pasted for you. Used the Slovakia ones, you see them in the pictures I posted...
So you say you have fun Big Grin

I doo indeed! You know, building tings is very .... constructive.

So, here's a bit of my building. I've tried to stick to the fewest possible object types, sticking to 12 types (including fences and chimneys).

Here's a general view

[Image: FactoryII.jpg]

Some of the denser industry:

[Image: FactoryI.jpg]

Some of the smaller workshops:

[Image: FactoryIII.jpg]

Nice, I like the composite buildings :!: How much have you already populated from the 1600 m area?

Not much (I've had a rather busy week). I'd say about a 5th of the area lined up by the car way-points.

I have a weird problem. After I installed Rones hangar pack (thanks Rone, they're smashing!) I seem to have lost my Slovakian objects. Or rather, they're there, only they aren't accessible in the FMB objects list. Lowfighter, could you send me the text for the Slovakian chimney, so that I cam change the regular ones?

Seems something wrong with your static.ini, better send it to me via email and I'll try to fix it..

Factory, store-houses and a factory with a garage or workshop area in the back:

[Image: FactoryIV.jpg]

Here's an attempt to capture the feeling form the "small workshops" picture from Google Earth:

[Image: FactoryV.jpg]

It looks excelent! Big Grin

yup, like it very much .... this will be useful Big Grin


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