WIP : Croatia + scale 1:1

I/JG54_Gringo Wrote:What about moving a li'le to the east? :wink:
8th AF had big troubles when they had to pass above Bulgaria!Serbians too /there are some 3-4 bulgarian records where it is written about some brave silly serbian,that dared to pass above our lines/.

ps:We used first the "rammjaeger" tactic in WW2.
Our gratest ace Dimityr Spisarevsky after shooting down an B-24 and running out of ammo,was forced to ram the leading B-17,diving from 9000m and ramming the helpless B-17 with more than 750 km/h /out of 250 other B-17's + 150 fighters escort/,on Decembre 20th,1943...
Anyway,only one servives from the bomber's crue....The tail gunner.
And our ace...dead.Bur he scared off the entire formation,and they jettisoned their bombs,and turned back for Italy.Their mission was failed.

totally agree with you m8 .... and i believe eastern part is our second project ( if someone starts with it before ... i'll help in any way ) but Croatia map in IL2 was/is my obsession for years so pardon me if i fulfill my dream first ....he,he totally egoistic i know :oops:

@Ranwers : thanks m8 ..... i can upload it for you no prob. .... just say Big Grin

Many thanks to all of you for support and all ..... Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin


I/JG54_Gringo Wrote:What about moving a li'le to the east? :wink:
8th AF had big troubles when they had to pass above Bulgaria!Serbians too /there are some 3-4 bulgarian records where it is written about some brave silly serbian,that dared to pass above our lines/.

ps:We used first the "rammjaeger" tactic in WW2.
Our gratest ace Dimityr Spisarevsky after shooting down an B-24 and running out of ammo,was forced to ram the leading B-17,diving from 9000m and ramming the helpless B-17 with more than 750 km/h /out of 250 other B-17's + 150 fighters escort/,on Decembre 20th,1943...
Anyway,only one servives from the bomber's crue....The tail gunner.
And our ace...dead.Bur he scared off the entire formation,and they jettisoned their bombs,and turned back for Italy.Their mission was failed.

Well, it is now goes somewhat east of Belgrade, actualy almost half of Serbia, but it is "Balkan" team, when we finish this, there is also other Balkan countries to be made: Bulgaria, Rumania also, Greece . . . I think that would be even easier when we learn the techincs Big Grin

Seems that fly_zo and I was posting in the almost same time Tongue

Avala Wrote:Seems that fly_zo and I was posting in the almost same time Tongue

just like real team Big Grin


Thx guys.I hope that the Croitia will be ready soon,so you can start with some new map about Bulgaria and Romania /mainly about the Ploesty oil rafinery/.+If possible a little pieces from Greece,Turkey,Makedonia and Black sea /there our Avias had to patrool for russian recon submarines,now i can't say did they met some/.

If you ask "Why" to add Turkey,it is needed for the after-war scenarios.
For example some turkish spitfires broke in our air space,during the beggining of the cold war,at low level above Black sea.Anyway the two Spits were shot down by our AAA+some scrambled Mig-15.One of the Spit's pilot was killed,the other bailed and was busted by a coast guard battleship.
Another story is about an illegal recon airliner beloning to greece's airlines,which flew beyond our border...But i'm not gonna tell this story now,wil be a HUDGE O/T :lol: .

When you start the project for Bulgaria map,i'll be happy to provide you with different kind of info if needed. Smile

Here is some texture testings, sand, beaches, shalow waters.

[Image: pesak1bdv4.jpg]

[Image: pesak2bfg8.jpg]

The first one makes it look sooo cold. Wink

[Image: sig2.gif]

That's why it will probably be second combination, or something else.

What about this fabulous map ???

Cat_Mouth Wrote:What about this fabulous map ???

... it isn't abandoned project , i'm assuring you

Having some difficulties with representing three climatic zones on the same map ....

it is very time consuming process cos one third of the map needs to be fully "hand painted" with textures ,and having only three slots (types of texture) reserved for Mediterranean area makes it even harder to represent .... but i'm not giving up :wink:

stay tuned Big Grin

thanks for asking ,


OK THX. Good Luck.

Hi, what's new on Balkan? Are you still working on this?


FC Wrote:Hi, what's new on Balkan? Are you still working on this?


now and then ..... i'm afraid this will take a while , turns out that this is still one man project

i didn't post any update cos i'm waiting for something concrete to show

many thanks for asking Big Grin

p.s. and thanks for effort in 3d converter project

great map !!!
good luck

Great lookin map fly_zo 8) keep at it bro !

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