If you extend it just a little to the east you will include beautiful little Cyprus... :? 8)
Wow, that map is going to be huge...really looking forward to it!
I would like to see anything really, but am really interested in any new or re-skinned static objects you may have made especially for this map. The early shots of the re-skinned wall to make a stone breakwater was great!
Any chance you might be willing to give a few quick tips on re-skinning static objects? :wink:
That is what I really want to learn....
Metatron - I had to draw a line somewhere! Already the map is at the limit - it's 11936 px x 20864 px - huge!
Cujo - well, you'll see more reskinned objects when I start work on Egypt/Libya because I've made some desert houses. The Greek houses in the early screenshots are reskinned objects,
Basically, reskinning objects is simple. Download the 'Objects Textures' download (from Skins section of AAA) and you'll then have the msh, mat and tga files for the objects. Convert the TGAs to a format viewable by Photoshop etc and reskin/recolour them. If you want to make the reskinned object a new object (and not just replace the original), you'll need to add an entry to static.ini
If you want more help, feel free to PM me
THANKS! Looking forward to more updates.
I think I've got everything I need...hopefully can get some stuff reskinned by this weekend that looks halfway decent :lol:
Very impresive work :!: :!: :!:
Mountains: like Etna one in your shot, maybe you can use a maze of 2-3 assorted mount textures, that is, if you still have some free texture slots... makes it looks more realistic, mountains are usually nonuniform.
Canon can I ask for a pic of Alexandria please? The one on Egypt of course
Looking great Cannon! We are going to have quite set of Med theater maps by the time this one's done!
Maybe you could ask Magpie to clean up this thread?
Looks gorgeous, keep it up!