F_DOWN command seems to be the one for the dispersion in height. Set it to 10 and you will get like 3 layers of clouds. From ground to like 5000m (depending on the BASE_R_DISP). Density speak for itself. Density 2 and will get transparent clouds, set it to 6 and will get dense clouds.
This is only with 1 Level.
Will keep testing.
Oh, and tried this in multiplayer last night at it dont seems to work, does the other people have to be using the mod?, ot this simply dont run on MP?.
Another Found...
K_FADE works only for the LEVEL 1 or MORE, not for LEVEL 0. Its the size of the clouds, specially in Hazy.
Any news on this?
No MP at all?
Any new config?
Is this mod working with "typeclouds=0" in the conf.ini?
Hi to one and all... Being new to this modding thing and having DL'd Hurri,Spit,Beau, + a couple of other wonderful aircraft I now find I cant go much further.
I really like the cloud MODs , I have spent hours reading the posts and imput from everybody. But it wont work for me .... Flushy's Mod didn't do anything and Rus-Andrey's refuses to download...They both look fantastic and really bring the sim alive.
As I said, I've read and re-read the lot. I've checked my config and Mods folder, and when trying to download I altered my pop up blocker and fire wall settings . Can anyone please tell me if the link to the file (Zshare, Hero of the clouds) is still active ....I will not be beaten :x !! Thanks for any help.
1st post zshare download link active.