Freeman -thank you. I hope it meets your expectations. By the way, your English is perfectly ok. 8) What's your native language?
AquilaNoctiswhatitsname - the two screenshots I posted are from the same mission. The top one is a close up. When you pull away you see the words spelled out in downed airmen. :twisted:
Just uploaded it to Mission4Today for approval. Should be available within the next few hours. I'll post a link when I wake up tomorrow. Time for beddie-byes for this mission builder.
ILV_Aquila_Noctis, I think the readme covers that, look in JA.
Nocturnum, great fun so far, thanks!
The ReadMe says that the campaign will be installed to the JA folder, but that folder is missing tn the zip, so it won't....but put it there manually and all's well. Absolutely hilarious campaign....I loved that nice welcome message in the first mission :lol:
Yeah, I suddenly realised my packing mistake this morning - at 5:30am. I woke up and first thing I thought was "There's no JA folder". What a sad git I must be :lol: Thanks for pointing it out for me though.
Glad you enjoyed the 'welcome message' Dom.
.... i'm not sure why this one got removed, and since there is no explanation post from mod/admin,
i'm moving it back ....
Very good, Z. I asked myself "Where the f*ck is that Ba$tards-thread gone?" this morning :lol:
Buggar! I thought I had fixed that. It comes from not having the Ship Mod or Ship Pack installed. Originally I used it but then I went through and deleted (or so I thought) all the modified ships from the missions so that people without that mod could play. Looks like I missed some.
As a temporary fix you could download the Ship Pack1.0. I'll go through the missions again and delete any remaining modded ships and reupload the files.
Thanks for letting me know. I'll copy this post over to the thread at AAA, too.
Okay, fixed it and released updated files to M4T.
I checked and found that I had missed removing the tanker1 object from a couple of missions. I have now uploaded an updated set of files which should allow you to play. Alternatively you could just scan through the .MIS files looking for
If you spot it, replace it with
ChiefsShips.Tanker 1 [note the space between Tanker and 1]
I HOPE this fixes the problem. Let me know if it doesn't.
Thanks for the quick fix, everything runs smoothly now.
The Ar-196 is my new favorite plane, too 8)