08.07.2009, 12:08
renmik Wrote:genbrien Wrote:...I'll try to post picture tonight. But like if you're looking at the plane from the front you'll see the prop, but when moving the view like between 60 to 35 degrees than u see no prop.... :?
Mate, can you explain more please, not sure I understood correctly.
Its not on all model tho
Aha? Hm... ok, thats not good.
Interesting thing is, the prop should not disappear, so I will check this.
Can you list some planes, where you saw that issue, please?
Thank you.[/quote] I know it made it with the J1n1 (or whatever the jap plane beginning with J1 :roll: ) on external view (F2) on the Okinawa map. Will try to test it further 2night