Battle of France Map - Part 2 - WIP

My father grew up in Vlissingen and he remembered the CR.42s quite well- the aerodrome was between Vlissingen and West Souburg. The CRs were probably part of the Italian force sent to assist the Luftwaffe over England, but I don't know from which squadron they were, and they were only there for a short time. The distance from Souburg to England was probably a bit too great, which would explain why the CRs were only there briefly- possibly no more than a month.

Here is an neat addon for Google Earth that shows the locations of British airfields during BOB

Has anyone got any info on the airfields which the luftwaffe operated from during the battle?
There seems to be very little info on the web about this aspect.

Luftflotte II
[Image: Luftflotte_I.jpg]
Luftflotte III
[Image: Luftflotte_III.jpg]
Luftflotte V
[Image: Luftflotte_V.jpg]

Additional info hyper linked to these maps: at:

Excellent Luftwaffe Order of Battle Charts available here:

Excellent stuff.
Many thanks.
Thats more info to go in the pending tray

Glad to be of assistance. 8)

Another suggestion that might be useful...many of the airfields depicted in the drawings above can still be seen in satellite photos available on Google Earth. I'm quite sure they have changed significantly over the last 60+ years, but at least you will get some idea of the runway's orientation, relationship to the village/city/terrain, etc.

Yes, I think so , that's good idea. If You asheshouse can't find any idea - how make using exsisting default airfields textures, just make flat terrain in this places. I was trying make airfields with using stationary ships\test runways 4 . Is possible build a medium area airfield - without problems with take offs and landings !8) .

2 asheshouse
May be, this resource will be help to you :roll:

There are only two types of aircraft - fighters and targets 8)

[Image: deSAD.jpg]

Thanks Edelmann and deSad

I think I will not try to be too clever with airfields for the first issue of the map. I just want to locate a few in each country to begin with. Probably simple rectangular fields on flat terrain ,each with a take off and landing spot which can be accessed through FMB.

I'm not quite up to airfields yet. I have nearly all the built up areas roughly plotted. Next will be a basic road/rail network -- just the primary routes, then a bit of woodland, sort out the coastal cliff textures, slap on some field texturing ---- come to think of it, there's still quite a bit to do. After all that there will still not be any objects on the map, except perhaps bridges.

Hopefully we can work out a system to allow lots of people to work on the same map, then merge the results. That would be useful.

asheshouse Wrote:.

Hopefully we can work out a system to allow lots of people to work on the same map, then merge the results. That would be useful.

That's possible without problem.

If we talk about objects on map than it's best to start with airfields. After all bases with airfields objects included are done than you should save what you have done as actors.static. You can rename it into 00actors or something and that will be your basis for further work.

Biggest actors that is opened so far was Moscow IIRC which is something like 600kb. That translates into 60-100 thousends objects. After you make your basic actors file you will see how many kb you have left. If you consider amount of work needed to put ~100.000 objects on the map that's more than enough for one man.

If you make team than just divide map in few logical sectors and assign parts of the map to your team members and let each one of them to make their actors. Each of these files can be up to 600kb.

If size of all actors files is less than 600kb than you just paste from file if not than you wait for Santa.

Having seen all the marvellous screenshots appearing on other maps I regret that things here are not keeping up with the same rate of progress.
However here is the latest update. This is the complete rail network for Northeast France, Belgium, Southern Holland, Luxembourg, and even a little bit of Germany.

This has been traced on an 8000x5408 pixel master, which represents an area 400x270 km. To get it into the game map I will reduce to 2000x1352 and then do a preliminary tidy up of the pixels.
Following this it will go into FMB to rationalise the rail routes with the river courses. I've already completed this for the English bit.
Then finally the bridges need to be added. I might only do the principal bridges to begin with.

When the roads are added I expect there will need to be a bit more adjustment because the minimum spacing in the game is limited to 200m, the pixel spacing.

This image is coloured just for this post -- so you can make out the detail.
There maybe some modern routes included in error. If anyone spots one please let me know.

[Image: Railnetwork.jpg]

Very impressed... Confusedhock:

Looks the biz mate, keep to your own time and don't be rushed mate :wink:

asheshouse, have you already gone to France ?

Why so little of England ?

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