Thank guys it was my pleasure
Quote:Cool mate when it will be for download?
Well I sent PM to MrJoly to ask him if he can make installer so I am hoping very soon. If it don’t show in “downloads” it will be in beta without installer then.
Quote:Great work.. The all metal finish aircraft in particular!
Some of “all metals” are shiner, like P47, P51, B29, but the rest are just with little increased specularity. Not just “all metals” but planes with camo too.Planes will appear slightly (very slightly) darker, but with better overall appearance. The engine of the game is to old for advanced effects so I guess this is it.And it does not affect FPS at all.
Quote:Can this effect be applied to cockpits also?
For outer canopy yes, but for inner cockpit it can’t be done unfortunately. I will try something when I finish my Hurricane cockpit but it can be just very little better then we have specularity, light and shadow in cockpits now.
That specularity effect also depends on maps light, weather settings, antialiasing settings and before all on quality of the skin used. So sometimes it will be astonishing and sometimes barely seen.
I just played Vpmedia’s BoB mission, was in Me109E and my stafel was at my right side with FBS’s skins, and the sun was set at very good angle so planes was looking very convincing :mrgreen: . I was looking the planes and going oooh yes oooh yeees :mrgreen:
Thanks guys