Mods make my computer crash frequently

Check it out with SpeedFan

Do 2 partions, reformat your pc!


That's it Cry my wings are gone, I won't be flying for a long time, sorry guys. I might have to get a new PC. Sad

all mods work fine for me.

never had a single crash with any mod Big Grin

but if you're computer crashes its not that oblivious that its hardware, it can be software related problem too, for example nobody mentioned installing a windows service pack...

-first thing to do is to get a dustgun and clean your computer
-2nd: scan for viruses and spyware
-3rd: check drivers and hardware conflicts, run defragmentation prog and checkdisk
-4th thing can be the installing of XP SP2

heatsink issue is easy cause there are universal cooling units which can be installed on most cards
you'll probably need a Zalman VF-700CU but check cardtype(!)

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