Now lets look at names of locations for road networks. If you put the following in the name of locations in your map, you can trigger special events. See Below:
X_Factory_District - If you put static objects underneath industry buildings, it will trigger level bombing raids. Level bombers will be assigned to destroy the factory buildings (or objects inside them :wink
. If you place fuel trucks or fuel train cars inside the factory buildings, it will effect the fuel supply system, if you choose to use it. If a fuel truck is destroyed or captured, then that side looses its abaility to advance. So by destroying factories, you could cause armor not to advance.
X_Airfield - This type of airfield supports all types of aircraft. When doing road networks, try and get your road to get as close to one of the runway markers without interfearing with the operation of aircraft taking off or landing. Also remember that whichever icon you put your road to, the planes will ALWAYS spawn at the opposite one to take off. So you have control over which direction planes will takeoff and land.
X_Airstrip - This type of runway does NOT support heavy bombers. It will only support fighters and G-Attack planes. Be careful even with the G-Attack planes, because some of them will still crash on takeing off on the runways.
X_Supply_Depot - This location also triggers level bombing if static objects are place there. It also is a spawn point for tanks/vehicles. If a supply depot is captured, and later on the tanks are destroyed by enemy planes, instead of starting at the beginning, they can spawn at a supply depot.
X_Bridge# - Bridges can be locations. If at an end of a road segiment you need two waypts after. If at the beginning you need two waypts before the bridge. Set a plane to G-Attack the bridge to get the bridge#. If bridges are in the middle of a road segiment, you need 5 waypts before, and 5 waypts after the bridge.
X_Station - These are train stations. Trains can resupply or drop off tanks at stations. However, you must have a X_Station in your road routes and an X_Station in your rail routes for it to work. Additionally, these locations always take the side of the nearest road location. So in your road network, you should have a road from X_Station to X_Factory. If X_Factory is captured, X_Station will take the same side.
X_Railyard - In addition to doing everything that stations do, railyards will spawn trains.
X_Dropzone - Dropzone will trigger paratrooper drops. Paratroopers can capture the location that the dropzone is linked to. So you have a road that goes from X_Dropzone to X_Factory. Transport planes will be triggered to do a paradrop over the dropzone, and X_Factory can be captured.
X_Shipyard - This needs to go into the road network. If you have a harbor with the same name, this will spawn ships at that harbor.
Also remember when you do your road routes, if you have a fork in the road, the path will be chosen randomly. So if you have a road that goes from A_Supply_Depot to B_Factory, and then you have a road that goes from B_Factory to C_Factory and an additional road that goes from B_Factory to D_Airfield, the tanks will choose at random which road they will use.